Never do things by halves.

Never do things by halves.
<03> Никогда ничего не делай наполовину. Ср. Начатое дело доводи до конца.

Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Never do things by halves." в других словарях:

  • never do things by halves — not/never do things by halves INFORMAL ► to always put as much effort and enthusiasm into doing things as possible in order to achieve success: »You have to admire her determination she never does things by halves. Main Entry: ↑halves …   Financial and business terms

  • not/never do things by halves — INFORMAL ► to always put as much effort and enthusiasm into doing things as possible in order to achieve success: »You have to admire her determination she never does things by halves. Main Entry: ↑halves …   Financial and business terms

  • not do things by halves — not/never do things by halves INFORMAL ► to always put as much effort and enthusiasm into doing things as possible in order to achieve success: »You have to admire her determination she never does things by halves. Main Entry: ↑halves …   Financial and business terms

  • halves — [hɑːvz ǁ hævz] adverb go halves informal to share something equally: • We decided to go halves on the investment. * * * halves UK US /hɑːvz/ US  /hævz/ noun [plural] ● not/never do things by halves Cf. not/never do things by halves …   Financial and business terms

  • by halves — adverb : inadequately or incompletely : halfheartedly let s not do things by halves * * * by halves 1. Incompletely 2. Half heartedly • • • Main Entry: ↑half * * * by halves informal : in an …   Useful english dictionary

  • do something by halves — do (something) by halves to do something without enthusiasm or not completely. He did not do things by halves, and so the rundown farm became a beautiful country estate. Usage notes: usually used in the negative forms never do something by halves …   New idioms dictionary

  • do by halves — do (something) by halves to do something without enthusiasm or not completely. He did not do things by halves, and so the rundown farm became a beautiful country estate. Usage notes: usually used in the negative forms never do something by halves …   New idioms dictionary

  • half — [[t]hɑ͟ːvz, AM hæ̱vz[/t]] ♦ halves 1) FRACTION Half of an amount or object is one of two equal parts that together make up the whole number, amount, or object. They need an extra two and a half thousand pounds to complete the project... More than …   English dictionary

  • half — n., adj., & adv. n. (pl. halves) 1 either of two equal or corresponding parts or groups into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 colloq. = half back. 3 colloq. half a pint, esp. of beer etc. 4 either of two equal periods of play in sports. 5… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Elisabeth Leseur — (October 16 1866 ndash;May 3 1914), born Pauline Elisabeth Arrighi, is best known for her spiritual diary and the conversion of her husband, Félix Leseur (1861 ndash;1950), a medical doctor and well known leader of the French anti clerical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

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